What's it
all about?

We’ve partnered with The Social Mobility foundation to bring you Kickstart at Ketchum, our industry-leading internship programme for 2023.

Our Kickstart at Ketchum selection process is designed to be inclusive and accessible, so that where you grew up or went to school is no longer a key predictor of career outcomes.

We’ve eliminated CVs from the application process.

Interview questions are shared with applicants in advanced.

We’ve trained our interview panels on how to be inclusive and equitable in their assessment of potential.

Every 6 months we welcome 4 new interns into our cohort where they will experience a client/in-house secondment, in a fully integrated internship. They’re given comprehensive training, a buddy, and a mentor.

Meet the Ketchterns

Cohort 1
Izzy Kapoor
PR Intern - Design
Before joining Ketchum, I was nervous about working for a big company and wondering how I would fit in. However, from the moment I started I have felt nothing but welcomed and supported. I started off my internship working with the corporate team but quickly realised that design is where I’d like to progress in my career. Working with the design team within the PR industry has been an incredible experience, I get the opportunity to work with a range of different clients and learn from those around me. I am looking forward to learning new skills and developing further as a designer.
Cohort 1
Ayesha Rashid
PR Intern - Social & Influence
My experience working so far at Ketchum has been amazing. I am sat within the Social & Influence team who I have enjoyed getting to know better as well meeting so many friendly staff across the office. I have particularly enjoyed the training sessions ran by different members of the team from copywriting training to looking at research & analytics tools, which have provided me with a great overview of the diverse work done by the Ketchum communities. Through this internship, I hope to learn all about how brands are managed behind the scenes and specifically the role social media plays in helping them achieve their objectives!
Cohort 1
Juriyah Juyel
PR Intern - Brand
It has been great entering Ketchum - from the get-go the people and culture have been super welcoming and warm! I have already met many inspiring bright, creative individuals whose work and projects showcases the amazing work that originally attracted my attention to Ketchum. Even in this short time what I have learnt has been an invaluable insight into the world of PR!
Cohort 2
Kat Garman
PR Intern - Research & Analytics
When I’m explaining what my new job is to my family and friends, I usually ask if they know what PR is first. A couple of answers I’ve had range from “is it like covering up scandals?” to “business marketing”, and both could be right, right? But really from day to day, I am monitoring various platforms of communication and seeing what people are saying and feeling about particular brands. We then explore what we can do to clear up any misinformation. I imagine some PR practises can er on the side of covering scandals, but for me, and hopefully Ketchum, it’s about truthful information being the forefront of marketing and clearing misinformation. The brand or business should be able to stand on its own and then PR builds accurate awareness and stories. I’d love to come out of this having learnt all I can about research and analysis methods used in PR, and how to present this information to brands coherently and then to the public.
Cohort 2
Tamara Ajibade
PR Intern - Brand/Corporate
As a new PR intern, I think Public Relations is based around efforts to: boost an organisations reputation, create strategies for maximum media outreach and improving brand communication in efforts to maintain a positive relationship between a company e.g Danone and its target audience. Throughout my internship, I look forward to gaining insight into what PR really is, alongside helping with media campaigns and potentially writing press releases.
Cohort 2
Atlanta Udechukwu
PR Intern - Corporate
PR to me is spreading the message of a brand or organisation with the public and potential consumers to increase exposure. I’ve also seen a strong emphasis on PR being used to protect and enhance brand reputation. This can be in a range of ways, whether that be through interacting with journalists to write stories, campaigns, social media, articles, events, or interviews. I would like to continue to learn about the role media plays and how changes in society are impacting relationships with clients in the industry.

The Nitty Gritty

What makes Kickstart at Ketchum standout?


We will send applicants 3 questions linked to our values. The answers will then be shortlisted by our HR and Inclusion Council members using a fair scoring framework. If successful, shortlisted applicants will receive questions to prepare for the interview which focus on lived experience and ambition (not work experience or exams).


In their first week, the interns will receive a tailored schedule, a Kickstart manual containing all need-to-know info, a line- manager in their host team, a buddy within the wider agency and a Senior Leadership Team (SLT) mentor. The first week will be spent meeting the team, other interns, and shadowing to get an understanding of the day-to-day of agency life.

Kickstart curriculum

Interns will be given access to all London/ Ketchum University sessions and a weekly training schedule for the full 6 months. They will also have the opportunity to attend key industry events, have access to SLT support, and will receive monthly informal feedback.

Live Project

The interns will be tasked with a project which they will present to SLT in their final month. The response will incorporate input and support from all the One London teams (including Creative, Research & Analytics, Social & Influence, and Finance). The task will focus on an area that benefits from their lived experience which will be finalised by the Inclusion Council.

Client secondment

Around 2 days of the programme will be spent in-house with one of our clients to truly benefit from the full 360 PR experience. Following feedback from member of the Inclusion Council, we felt there was a unique opportunity to invite clients to be involved in the Kickstart programme and our work within the DE&I space by offering interns a short in-house secondment, funded by Ketchum. Exact details of this are TBC as members of the Inclusion Council help to identify suitable clients.

End of programme

As the interns move towards the end of their 6 month internship, they will have the opportunity to apply and interview for any suitable live roles. They will receive support from HR with CV workshops and interview skills training, and our team will also reach out to the OPPG network to identify any other potential roles. The interns will also be able to join a Ketchum Kickstart alumni group where they can connect post-internship.

Interested? Contact [email protected]
Want to learn more? Follow us @kickstartKetchum